With so many folks working from home, we found this article incredibly helpful!
These days, we frequently repeat the mantra"Outer Order, Inner Calm" (which is a new book from Author Gretchen Rubin), knowing that taking the small step of outer organization of our spaces can create inner peace and calm during these scary and unprecedented times.
First, make a plan. It can feel overwhelming, so breaking it up into smaller tasks over a week, with help make this a success.
Here are just a few highlights, and our favorite tips - Read the full article here
1. Deal with Paper
Sort + Stack
Make quick temporary labels for your piles
Set aside what doesn't belong in your home office, and take care of immediately
Keep a shredder, recycling bin and trash nearby to discard the obvious junk
2. Make Some Space
Pull everything out of your desk, organize and purge what's not needed
If you haven't moved to a paperless office, maybe now is the time!
3. Get Organized
Get the organization items you need. Visit your local office supply store, or check out Pinterest or Houzz Ideabooks to find creative and attractive storage solutions
Start labeling, especially if you organize with baskets or on open shelves
Traditional files are still useful for important documents
4. Freshen Up!
Vacuum, wipe down shelves, desks and monitors
Bring in some fresh plants to help clean the air
5. Consider Comfort
Comfort is key - consider a stand-up desk, adjustable chair and good lighting to insure you are comfortable and productive
6. Add a Personal Touch
Make it yours - photos, decor and treasures from your travels to make your space feel more like you
7. Do Daily Maintenance
Aim to handle paper as soon as you get it
Schedule a time to take care of your digital inbox
Straighten up daily at the end of your day, to enter to a fresh, clear workspace each morning